Ortoma intervjuas om lansering i Japan och deltar på Redeye Growth Day den 1 juni 2023

Publicerat 31 May, 2023

Inför den stundande marknadslanseringen i Japan har Ortoma nyligen intervjuats av Redeyes analytiker Sebastian Andersson. Dessutom kommer Ortoma att delta på Redeye Growth day den 1 juni 2023, där VD Linus Byström kommer att presentera bolaget.

Ortoma har nyligen intervjuats av Redeye om lanseringen av OTS Hip på den japanska marknaden. Intervjun kan ses på Redeyes hemsida: https://www.redeye.se/research/913423/ortoma-video-interview-with-ceo-linus-bystrom?utm_source=avanza&utm_medium=RSS
Bolaget kommer även att delta på Redeye Growth Day torsdagen den 1 juni 2023. “In Focus”-intervjun direktsänds och kan följas via: https://www.redeye.se/events/871323/redeye-growth-day
Ortoma – Improved Performance

About Ortoma AB (publ)
Ortoma AB develops surgical systems for the planning and positioning of implants in hip, knee and spinal surgery. The purpose of the company’s surgical system, Ortoma Treatment Solution™ (OTS) is to enable surgeons to accurately measure and plan 3D surgery for the placement of joint implants, and during surgery, to optimally position the implant in the patient. Ortoma’s surgical system is aimed at providing better patient outcomes, fewer complications and less follow-up surgeries – and thus better long-term survival rates for implants. OTS is a system that is easily integrated into the processes and routines currently used in surgery, thereby increasing efficiency. Globally, more than 7.5 million orthopedic procedures are performed each year where OTS could be used in hip, knee and spinal surgery. In Sweden, around 42,000 surgical procedures were performed last year, involving hip, knee or spinal surgery. Ortoma’s B shares are listed on Spotlight Stock Market.